Friday, March 9, 2012


When you feel like all you've ever been is hurt, how do we deal? Can we get over this feeling, this scare? How do we learn to trust or be happy with what we have, when we are afraid, afraid to be hurt. When all you've ever know is hurt can we move on, can we pack up our life, and leave behind our hurt or is our hurt a part of us. A part of us that we can't let go, like our baby pictures, or our childhood dolls. Does our hurt keep us content? 

When in a relationship, past relationships never leave; comparisons, memories, and hurt. But does our hurt help us along this new path, or hold us back? This hurt can scare us, make us take things slower, or make us more paranoid, but in the end does it help us. Does this hurt, save us from the same hurt we have already experienced, does it teach us a lesson? Hurt can save us, but also cause us more problems. Worry, doubt, trust, all gets thrown away once we are hurt once, and every time it just adds more and more. How can we deal with this? How does this help us, when all it is doing is making us more scared and more cautious and less trusting? 

If possible can we somehow train ourselves to get rid of this hurt, pack up life and leave only hurt behind?

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